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Replies to #65935 on Bible (Bible)


03/07/21 2:22 PM

#65936 RE: plugger #65935

LOL! Yep, that be a wake up call of all wake up calls.

So wife and I getting groceries yesterday I gave her the money and said I can't do this any longer we had already been at 3 other stops btw.

I said you ok if I wait for you in the car and she says yes, I said just can't take wearing this ridiculous mask anymore.

There was a man few feet from us who heard the conversation and he says I hear you brother these masks need to go can I get an Amen?

So of course I gave him a loud AMEN! LOL!
We smiled at each other and I left.

I do wear a mask now and than at work because drywall dust isn't good for your health.

You see my immune system that I work on every day of my life no matter how good it is can do nothing about dust.

So that is a TRUE medical emergency for which I take personal responsibility to counter.

This SCAMDEMIC that has the majority out there living in EXTREME fear is not!