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03/05/21 3:54 PM

#38644 RE: hoosierdaddyof3 #38641

I would answer this in private if there was an opportunity, but as you cannot read privates - public will have to suffice. Its been my experience that there is a certain breed of zealots that do not have a guilty conscience because they don't believe they've wronged anyone. In my earlier short side due diligence of RELI Gary and I went to great lengths to gather information from certain parties that had known Ezra Beyman for several years. Their forthright personal opinions hardly differed. "Pathological" was used a few times; "The man doesn't know how to execute and deliver" was frequently used; "We don't want to talk about him".

I've dealt with some of the Rothchild and Katzenellenbogan family for over 15 years. In fact my wife is a blueblood Katzenellenbogan. I learned through bitter experience from Ukrainian's and the rare Moldovan Jews that there is a certain 'breed' of businessman that one must try at all costs to avoid.

Unfortunately, Chasidic Jewish Businessmen and Israeli's are amongst the worst scoundrel's one can encounter. As a devout Jew myself I find this utterly disturbing. And yet I know in my heart it is true, Chasid's & Israelis are to be avoided at all costs.

I'm sure this post will not last long.