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03/05/21 12:05 PM

#105409 RE: DewDropStew #105408

Let it dump all it wants. Like I said, nothing's changing here until we hear something from the appellate court.


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Dragon Lady

03/05/21 12:10 PM

#105410 RE: DewDropStew #105408


THIS is a barn burner - a smoking gun again go md, LMAO !!!

HOLY COW = what a amazing piece of investigation by a REAL M.D. DOCTOR and what Tomas did with SEAN BERMAN and the old U.S. Stem Cell Banking biz - he seemingly GAVE AWAY and what "it" is doing now supposedly run by SEAN BERMAN - I wonder if Tomas is a secret member of that new LLC, eh?

THEY HAVE A FAKE "chief science officer" TOO LOL !!! She's an MD but NO LICENSE TO PRACTICE IN AMERICA - but they pitch and hype her on the website as a "WORLD LEADING STEM CELL EXPERT" blah blah blah.

It's like COMELLA 2.0 LMAO !!! God, comedy gold all over again :)



And then this - SHE IS NOT A "MD" licensed anywhere in the USA and is NOT "board certified" ANYWHERE IN THE USA "as claimed" on that bogus website and I double checked it too - the article is 100% CORRECT !!!

THAT is the address of the former "U.S. Stem Cell WORLD HEADQUARTERS" (and BHRT aka Bioheart prior to 2015) now run from a $268 a month rent-a-desk by seemingly Mike Tomas and no one else "there" ??????

He, USRM CEO Mike Tomas appears from filings to have just GIVEN IT AWAY and then "went dark" and ceased to EVER SEC FILE SINCE - as in approx 1 YEAR AND SEVEN LONG MONTHS ago now ????????

WHAT EXACT "BUSINESS" is USRM actually "in" now- as in WHAT "BUSINESS" do they actually "conduct" now on ANY GIVEN DAY????????

What is "the company" left that supposedly exists - besides a virtual office RENT-a-DESK and not much more other than endless lawsuits, almost NO CASH (LAST SEC FILING THEY EVER MADE had $78K in cash left with CURRENT DEBTS of $1 MILLION PLUS and several large loans IN DEFAULT!) - so endless lawsuits and mega legal bills ??????

CLINICS ARE CLOSED - all of them except the Comella owned "family clinic" and it's not even clear IF USRM still even has a fractional ownership left in that- and the M.D. who's lic they used to use- SHE IS SUING THEM IN BROWARD COUNTY AND QUIT as they could not and would not continue to pay her medical malpractice insurance premiums !!!

SO- WHO IS THEIR MD IF they even run a clinic now?

WHERE IS ANY "vet procedure" ANYWHERE being done by USRM - as I've Google searched high and low and NOTHING EXISTS that I can find ??????

WHEN and WHERE is USRM doing "stem cell training" - as in WHEN ARE COURSES SCHEDULED and WHERE and WHO TEACHES THEM as again I can not find a damn thing ??????

WHAT clinics "do they manage" as their bullshit new statement "claims" is now some "new business" they're in- WHICH CLINICS DOES USRM "MANAGE" - lets see a list and names and addresses, etc ??????


TWO of their most recent lawsuits - one is BIG as in $1.6 MILLION being sought in DEBT OWED and USRM is cash broke folks unless they found a pot o gold somewhere LOL?????? They're SEC DELINQUENT and PINK STOP SIGN for a reason - they don't have the cash to file if you ask me, plus would have to disclose these "deals" and all the OUT OF BUSINESS CLINICS and more !

The one lawsuit - their former MD who's license they used, that lawsuit states CLEARLY that "the Villages" and "The Regenrative medicine" clinic which I think was Miami are GONE and OUT OF BIZ - which jives as they have no working phones on Google, addresses are empty, etc per a simple search :

CASE: CACE20012095
Brenda Leonhardt Plaintiff vs. US Stem Cell Inc, et al Defendant


CASE: CACE20016818
Daily Wellness LLC Plaintiff vs. Regenerative Wellness LLC, et al Defendant

EASILY looks like a $100K or so on that by the time the good doctor collects on breaches of contract etc. BUT WHO IS THEIR MD at the remaining single COMELLA CLINIC if USRM even owns a fraction of that - or are they down to a NURSE PRACTITIONER and can't afford insurance policies any longer ??????

LAST SEC FILING EVER MADE: $78K CASH LEFT and over $1 MILLION IN CURRENT DEBT = "CURRENT" means owed in the next 12 months or less and it was OVER A YEAR AGO = BROKE !!!!


PAGE 31:


After September 30, 2019, the Company address has changed to 1560 Sawgrass Corporate Pkwy 4th Floor, Sunrise, FL 33323 with a month to month lease at a cost of $269.54 per month.

On October 15, 2019, the Company, as a result of being unable to meet the $0.01 bid test, is no longer being quoted on “The OTCQB® Venture Market” but is being reported on the “pink sheets” under the symbol “USRM.PK.”"

PAGE 14:


The accompanying condensed financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis, which contemplates the realization of assets and the satisfaction of liabilities in the normal course of business. As shown in the accompanying financial statements for nine months ended September 30, 2019, the Company incurred net losses of $3,158,293 and has a working capital deficit (current liabilities in excess of current assets) of $8,751,403. These factors among others raise substantial doubts about the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern for a reasonable period."

WENT "DARK NO FILINGS" after that and "had" (past tense) only $78K CASH LEFT - and look at those train wreck numbers above and amounts they owed !!!

It's pretty grim if you ask me folks- I mean again, WHAT "BUSINESS" are they really "in" any longer and what "COMPANY" even actually exists any more? REALLY ?????


A $268 buck a month rent-a-desk and a phone that really doesn't get answered and emails never returned etc according to many who have tried ?????

That is a supposed WORLD LEADING "stem cell and medical research company" per their BS website claims and statements ??? REALLY ?
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03/05/21 2:43 PM

#105412 RE: DewDropStew #105408

Oh, you mean .0467?
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Dragon Lady

03/15/21 9:01 AM

#105475 RE: DewDropStew #105408


9,793 X .035 = $342 bucks worth (LMAO!! YEAH !)

There's a MYTH that the CEO Mike Michael Miguel Tomas somehow supposedly "owns" 90 million shares or whatever = TOTAL MISINFORMATION AND BULLSHIT !

Investors should learn how to correctly read a simple FORM 4 IMO !!

FORM 4 - PROVES that CEO Tomas does not OWN and has NEVER BOUGHT shares - except ONE TIME - Tomas actually opened his fat wallet and bought and now "owns" the laughable number of 9,793 whopping shares of BHRT/USRM LOL !!

He "purchases" as in USED HIS OWN MONEY AND "BOUGHT THOSE SHARES" after TEN YEARS and AFTER ISSUING A BIG OLE HYPE PR that "Sr Mgt was going to invest in the company and buy shares" blah blah blah LMAO !! OLD MAN MURPHY coughed up a decent amount - and Tomas flipped a $1,000 bucks or so on the table as a "token" of that old bullshit hype PR about nothing - and one that had ZERO affect as usual after they 1 for 1000 reverse this train wreck and then got sued by the FDA/DOJ and blinded at least three ladies and all their other grand "accomplishments" LOL !!

Tomas as CEO = he barfed up about a $grand for um, while sucking $500K or more per year in salary AND "BONUSES" out of USRM per their own SEC FILINGS and per a open lawsuit in Broward county right now brought by Brenda Leonhardt a huge creditor ($1.6 ma million) who Tomas STIFFED and he got all that for "managing" a "company" of a few people at best (smaller than my local new and modern self-drive through car wash and producing less revenues than that car wash and never a profit!).

USRM today is a "company" of a few people at most and a "company" that is now a rent-a-desk and a phone and a website in a "virtual office" and not much else (almost no cash, little to practically no revenues, hard to tell what "business" they actually even conduct day to day,etc) and since inception has had ZERO profits and 99% STOCK LOSSES to the common shares of investors and negative shareholder equity, and on and on and on LOL !!!

THAT = the last filed FORM 4 Tomas ever made:

BOX 1 = DIRECT "OWNERSHIP" as in shares he has actually BOUGHT AND PAID FOR and "owns":

Shares "owned" = 9,973

BOX 2 = DERIVATIVES = FREE OPTIONS he's granted TO HIMSELF and many of them are worthless and so "out of the money" as to be a joke- but USRM and Tomas are legend to KEEP RE-GRANTING NEWER MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF LOWER PRICED OPTIONS to "try" and keep them "in the money" and have done so no matter how much the stock has lost over the years - which is literally 99% of its "value"

THOSE OPTIONS are not even all "vested" (can not be exercised on many of them) and most are NEAR today's price or above it = WORTHLESS.

Tomas would have to EXERCISE THE OPTION(s) to "OWN" a single one of those shares - and he'd then SELL AND DUMP THEM which at these prices and this thinly traded stock would CRUSH THE PRICE TO SUB ONE CENT IN A BLINK on even a small flip and sell of those options.

Tomas then PAYS TAXES ON ANY GAINS = more worthless by the time he's exercise and dump those options if converted to shares "owned" into the market.

LETS JUST STICK TO ACTUAL FACTS HERE AND NOT BULLSHIT THAT THE CEO "OWNS" some fantasy "90 million shares" or whatever IMO !!