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03/04/21 9:48 PM

#14005 RE: smoki #14004

There's due diligence and there's diligence that's due.

There is a difference.


Entitled to an opinion. IF Infenprodil was saving lives it would be World news. JMO com’on man!

So how do you think the FDA or any other regulatory body would make a determination about a drug saving lives?

By word of media/mouth?

Would it perhaps come from a data readout from a clinical trial?

It seems to me that your opinion eliminates a big part of what this is all about.

But like you said, you're entitled to your opinion.

Holla @ me



03/05/21 8:06 AM

#14009 RE: smoki #14004

not bad to have local news in Miami and Boston...not too shabby...hope on next PSYK holdings report that they were a beneficiary of the PP giveaway