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03/03/21 5:03 AM

#6434 RE: copytele #6433

Thanks for sharing this article. Hopefully the party involved, i.e. TSLA, will draw the necessary conclusions from it. But I think Musk is well advised.
The user experiences - and expectations displayed are very understandable and very human. Important for the potential buyer of an EV is price and range (secondary also customer care etc.). As we know the lack of charging infrastructure is a problem (not only in China) as well as the charging time (up to 80% in 30min for a supercharger I believe). Some companies are working to reduce the charging time (up to 100%) to 5 min, about the same as a fuel powered car, using a different battery design.
TSLA is wise enough to draw lessons from local policies, buyer expectations and infrastructure presence now and in the future in the countries where TSLA is/wants to be present. If not, TSLA shorters'll shout hurrah.

As we know, BRLL is not a car manufacturer. I would suggest BRLL to sell batteries to all interested buyers, not only in the EV sector and definitely not only to TSLA, but also to NIO, LI, XPEV and many others. .
We will be fine here.