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01/15/07 6:02 PM

#11156 RE: carsrus #11154

its cool, but if my family future depended on it and i've been in that situation id pick the job that takes care of my family first and sometimes two jobs to do that until the situation is better that i can take the chance on a wild shot like xlpi. im not here to tell anyone what to do, but if your going to throw that bone out there at us about to imagine if your family's future depended on it i will respond.

we appreciate your willingness to hang on there. With choices come consequences as im told, my sympathies up to a point. Best of luck to yah and the others. you just got into this stock, imagine if you where one of those that bought on false claims and leaked false information at .06 or even .10 and have lost thousands in this stock. imagine having family you've put into a stock with there hard earned money based on certain information from pr's and so forth that aren't even close to coming true and those family memebers have lost money or just people others have told about this stock that have lost money. what ever the situation is, its sad and unfortunate but a reality. I made the choice to buy in and the choice not to sell it all at .10 or even at .05 and im living with it and the loss of money. we still have a slim chance here i guess lets hope it works out for everyone, including your family

so in a week the doors will be open or closed is this what your saying?


01/18/07 2:55 AM

#11165 RE: carsrus #11154

carsrus, are we going to know the news in 4 days (less now ) or 2 weeks ?