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I am actually poor

03/02/21 7:04 PM

#7072 RE: newlevel87 #7071

New here, just felt like putting that video out there it being the board is slow. Even though the video is short, it is sweet.

"Crazy Exceedingly Extremely Busy Week because we have partnered with invest Africa. It is a legacy, trading and biotech company that has existed in Africa for about 30 years and they are assisting us in our Covid-19 Testing of Supplies and building relationships through out Africa and keeping us very very busy!"

To go with how many times Maxine mentions how busy things have been with $MJTV I like the mentioning of opening a restaurant(sure not big but something, I like diversity). I like how a phone literally rings a little after she mentions scrambling to continue to answer the calls. The mentioning of how things can take much longer when doing deals between Africa(why we haven't seen much bump maybe? other than the penny then back down).

All this said i'm just a smaller player in this at pretty much the price it is at now. I do not think this one will let me down and keep me poor. Matter fact I am thinking of selling my soup cans to buy more during these dips.