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03/03/21 8:29 AM

#133046 RE: mfaphoto #132742

First of all, no one is shorting penny stocks. Brokers won't allow it to start with. But it doesn't even make sense to short a penny stock, because it would cost more than could be made.
Shorting is a gamble that a stock will fall. If it does, you can make a few pennies. But if it doesn't fall you can lose your ass.
Better to put a few dollars to BUY the stock and hope it goes up, than to gamble thousands that it will go down.
What kind of a mind set would you need to short a stock that is skyrocketing? SMH!!
If you don't believe me, ask your broker to short even 100 shares. First, they will tell you that you can't short penny stocks. Period. But then, if you COULD, they would tell you that you have to have a margin account (who does?) and you have to RESERVE $2.50 for each share shorted. 100 Shares requires a reserve of $2500, which is the BROKER's reserve in case the stock goes up. They will USE that money to purchase your shares at the higher price.
So, once and for all, PLEASE STOP SAYING PEOPLE ARE SHORTING PENNY STOCKS. Try it. I've issued this challenge for years, and not ONE PERSON has ever been able to show that they have been able to short penny stocks. You CAN'T. You only show your own ignorance when you talk about people shorting penny stocks. If you are a trader, you should at LEAST know the rules.