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03/03/21 8:14 PM

#352533 RE: Je3232 #352482

What am you missing???? A great deal, it seems.

FYI, the credit goes to another and, yet, it speaks to what we are seeing with Elite...

Intro to - "How to spot manipulation in your Stock".

Modern day investing (at least in the short term) has become totally distorted by Wall Street manipulators.

You can spend weeks analyzing financials, company management, and growth prospects, determine a business is fantastic, only to watch it slowly disintegrate.

Your stock just keeps dropping.

And dropping.

And eventually you sell.

A year later you check in on the stock and see that it’s doubled, tripled, or gone parabolic.

This isn’t bad luck. Wall Street manipulated your stock and stole your shares.

They know you check the price every day. They know you get angry when you see it dropping for no reason.

It’s all part of their psychological manipulation toolkit. This has become much easier with the invention of the internet and social media. Decades ago, manipulators had to publish hit pieces in the newspaper. Now all they have to do post a few comments on a stock message board. Decades ago, they had to come up with elaborate lies worthy of being published in a reputable newspaper that investors would take seriously. Now all they have to is make an account like SuperBullishInvestor, and post a comment like, “This stock is poop. Glad I sold it.”

The only way to protect yourself against this manipulation is to learn how to spot it.

How to spot it? Check this link out...seem to ring a bell?