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Shady outlook

03/02/21 10:10 AM

#2847 RE: midastouch017 #2846

So what happens the money being used to mass produce the drugs and is this a good thing?


03/02/21 3:11 PM

#2850 RE: midastouch017 #2846

Once Covid is basically eradicated by the Summer, "ie.likely" the shareholders will of now paid for in-home case studies yet Covid could be just a bad memory for most.
I had originally bought into this company for its pipeline not as a Covid play, yet that is all the have really worked on for the last 10 months while no downsizing or upsized better sales coming from their over weighted salesforce.
I know that Q4 earnings will be out end of day, but if they even slightly beat, it is to little to late.
They have a line of credit, issued shares at a poorly offered price 8 weeks or so back and are doing another offering, upsized again. To much smoke and mirror's as this does not smell of institutional interest but H.C. Wainwright & Co. getting a sweet deal payday again.
I have never witnessed another offering like this one back to back and I supported the last one. And i`ll say, fool me once etc....