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03/02/21 11:59 PM

#917 RE: fishtank #916

fishtank: It could possibly be that the vaccine will not add much to their bottom line. Just a guess
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03/12/21 9:39 PM

#923 RE: fishtank #916

Its also known as GREED and CORRUPTION. Look at all the insiders over at Moderna sold their shares 4 months ago for $200.00 a share and it steadily tanked down to $135.00 where it currently is. All of these companies got tons of money from the government(Taxpayers I guess that means us).
Trump allowed them to fastrack the 3 clinical trials in 8 months instead of 3 to 5 years (Also would have cost them billions to develop). They got tons of free advertising everyday 24-7 from the media. Trump also paid for the distribution of the vaccine by using the military, national guard, post office, UPS, etc etc. All paid for again by us (The taxpayers) Think about all the money these companies saved because of us the taxpayers and Moderna had the nerve to delay bringing their vaccine to market for a couple of months because Trump was only paying them $50.00 per person(two doses) and Biden offered them $100.00 per person(Two doses) so they waited for Biden to take office. We paid for everything, they made billions, and all their shares are tanking. Corruption and Greed and no SEC in sight. Go figure.