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03/01/21 6:09 PM

#165432 RE: joseytheoutlawwales #165431

Exactly hope more shareholders understand your post and the reality of who the recommended board members are. They did absolutely nothing when in charge so what is their plan now?? Activate the ATM machine and do nothing about moving the company forward. This is about enriching themselves by manipulating shares as they always do, the names are different but the association the same.


03/01/21 8:27 PM

#165434 RE: joseytheoutlawwales #165431

Are the legal issues still active? Not finished yet?


03/01/21 9:20 PM

#165435 RE: joseytheoutlawwales #165431

It seems the plan was to continue to tie up everything in legal issues knowing Dan wouldn’t be able to complete a deal. Now, the next move is to take over by putting board members on who will help control a takeover by Joshua. Does anyone know if they have the votes by themselves to accomplish this? Will our votes even matter?

They had an opportunity to benefit as we did, by dropping the lawsuit which would have allowed Dan to negotiate a deal we’d all benefit from. They chose to obstruct. That speaks volumes about their intent, given their past history.

I don’t know if even matters but I just can’t vote their way.


03/02/21 1:39 PM

#165438 RE: joseytheoutlawwales #165431

I voted NO as well. My vote might not mean much but I will go to bed with a clear conscience.