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02/26/21 8:59 PM

#15506 RE: MBMoney #15504

Here is another follow up to remind George of what he has done not only to shareholders, but to someone loyal to him:

George, I’d be remiss if I didn’t follow up on my previous email to you, in which I outlined how not only disappointed I am, but in which I summarized a number of deeply concerning issues with your selfish motives. In this case, I think it is very important for shareholders to understand the real role of Mr. Delmonte. This isn’t simply a ‘personal affront’. It’s a summary of how things have obviously played out. And, inasmuch as this summary will outline how I believe you orchestrated this, it will also reveal to shareholders how you didn’t simply deceive shareholders, but how you also took advantage of someone who has been overly loyal, perhaps to his own detriment. Allow me to elaborate.

Prior to the point in which you took control of HDC, Mr. Delmonte worked for the organization, although shareholders had essentially never heard of him. In other words, he served in a support role. Well and good. Then, after you took control, there was a single ‘common denominator’. Mr. Delmonte, of course. This all makes sense, since your control necessitated, to some degree, an individual who had some degree of historical knowledge and access to internal documents. You’re not kidding anyone, George, since that individual was Mr. Delmonte. Now let’s fast forward.

Along the way, shareholders were informed of his ‘promotion’ and, in the SEC filing announcing it, you specifically indicated that his promotion was based, in part, on both his “loyalty” (great wording, George) and ‘other partnering initiatives’. If you don’t recall, George, I can point you to the 8-k that you filed dated April 10, 2020. Since you have been at the helm since 2017, and since there are no partnering initiatives, we know that you were being deceitful. The reality is that Mr. Delmonte has never been in a position to be able to develop partnering initiatives, has he? You know why I ask? Because I had a personal email exchange along the way with Quirk, and informed him that Mr. Delmonte didn’t take too kindly of him. Guess what his reaction was: Why?

You know what all this tells me George? It tells me that you likely conveyed to Mr. Delmonte that he’d be better off being loyal to you. Obviously, he’s done that, but now he looks like a stooge, doesn’t he? Not only are there no partnerships, but there is something even more telling to me, George. Want to take a guess? Take a look at your equity versus the equity of the individual who is currently our so-called President and COO. You’re kidding me, right George. The President has a few million shares, and there hasn’t been mention of a rather significant equity stake on his part? What gives? Looks like you personally took most of the equity.

I know what gives. You have not only taken advantage of shareholders, but you have taken advantage of someone who doesn’t have the capacity to move the company forward, and you took advantage of him personally. Great, he’s got a title. On the other hand, he’s got a lot of enemies who won’t have a problem outlining how he has been instrumental in running HDC into the ground. And, I can tell you personally, you and Mr. Delmonte, through his blind loyalty, won’t run my investment into the ground.

Good work, George. Time to tell shareholders the truth, and for you to figure out how you are going to work your way out of this logjam that you created. You had an opportunity to do the right thing. Clearly, you chose otherwise. And, for what it’s worth, perhaps it’s time for Mr. Delmonte to wake up and smell the coffee.