Kevetrin is a fun dream that hopefully comes true one day.
Your question ignores the nearer term potential of Brilacidin for Oral Mucositis and Ulcerative Colitis (OM is a big market and low hanging fruit, UC is a gigantic market). Both indications have simple delivery and MOA and likely will have no adverse reactions. With a little funding I have no doubt both can be brought to market.
Also IV Brilacidin may prove very beneficial against Influenza and Pneumonia if it makes it to market on COVID. Both of those are very durable indications unlike (hopefully) COVID.
But yes, ill be holding a little for the next Keytruda.
Most solid longs are thinking pretty high stock price within a couple of years. One could sell what they need now to live nicely but the IPIX investment over the next couple of years should be a steadily increasing investment, in fact could be unbelievably dramatic rise.
I am talking about long term investment money, do whatever with the trading money as IPIX should allow quite nicely for that as well.
My personal answer is not a chance! Although my interest in ctix was born when I first read about Kevetrin, that’s a long ways off so there’s virtually zero percent chance I’ll be holding any of my current stash of shares for that to materialize...
...but should B become a success, I’ll likely be back in time for a little K-play.