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01/14/07 10:07 PM

#1773 RE: kadiddlehopper #1772


Welcome to Integral Technologies' iHub board!

If ever there was a poster child for the old saw "Success breeds success" it would have to be Apple, would it not? At least one can say that about the Apple of late. Their coming out party this past week was nothing short of a phenom in the Sales & Marketing arena. I saw a spoof of Jobs on one of the cable channels this week in which he actually spoofed himself and said that his latest creation, the independent state of iDAHO was seceding from the union. It was quite funny and somewhat ties in to what an earlier poster (kPod) was referring to when he talked about "branding" and brand image -- Apple (formerly Apple Computer) is certainly on their way.

But I digress........

There should be no doubt that any company worth their salt is going to do whatever they have to do to gain any sort of strategic or competitive advantage possible (another reason why Apple is fighting Cisco Systems over the use of the iPhone name).

I was reading somewhere earlier that there were over 1 billion cell phones sold last year and of that number "only" 70 million were of the smart phone variety (I'm going from memory, but believe those numbers to be factually accurate), meaning iPhone or not, there's plenty of room for all. Will Integral Technologies capitalize in that particular niche market? That, as they say, is the $64,000.00 question.

Nice hearing from you!



01/15/07 1:37 PM

#1781 RE: kadiddlehopper #1772

Welcome kadiddlehopper,

I just love that moniker. I wonder how many here know who originated that name?

Your projected use of ElectriPlast in Nokia, Motorola and Blackberry phones makes imminent sense. Hopefully, those ace salespeople at JARCO can convince them to make the switch.