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#230496 RE: mick #230492

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#230500 RE: mick #230492

$mick thanks; Gold $8-9k/oz or Higher in Next Two Years says Analyst Michael Oliver
13,664 views•Feb 23, 2021

$Monument to Implement Value Creation Strategy
February 16, 2021
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Vancouver, B.C., February 16, 2021,

$Monument Mining Limited (TSX-V: MMY and FSE: D7Q1) (“Monument” or the
“Company”) is pleased to announce its corporate strategy following
consultation with the Company’s board, management and advisors.

Newly appointed chairman of the Company, Graham Dickson, stated:
“I am honored to be the successor to Robert Baldock as chairman of the
Mr. Baldock has created a strong legacy for Monument and its
shareholders and the board has always been aligned with his philosophy
that shareholders’ value be realized through growth in the Company’s
asset value.
I will diligently progress this culture, stand by our stakeholders, and
continue to strengthen the Company’s gold resource base, which is the
best way to increase shareholders’ return.”

Strategy Highlights

$To establish the Murchison Gold Project as a cornerstone gold
development project;

To place the Selinsing Sulphide Project into production by implementing
a two stage approach;

To build the production profile of the Company through additional
targeted acquisitions in the gold sector.

The board has reviewed and accepted the corporate development
strategies proposed by management.

In the past two years, the Company has increased its resources and
reserves, updated the economic valuation of each of it’s wholly- owned
projects, and streamlined the gold portfolio by spinning out the
Mengapur base metal project.

Given the current market appetite for gold and gold assets, especially
in stable jurisdictions, upon closing the Mengapur transaction,
proceeds will be used to advance our gold portfolio in Western
Australia and Malaysia, and to support further corporate development.

CEO and President Cathy Zhai commented:

“Our overall strategy is to build incremental gold resources and
reserves through exploration, expansion and disciplined acquisitions,
and to locate resources as well as build up market awareness in order
for the market to reflect the Company’s value thus transforming the
Company’s upside potential to benefit our shareholders.”

With cash and cash equivalents on hand and additional upon closing of
the Mengapur transaction, the Company is ready to implement and fund
its preferred development strategy.

Alternative sources of capital remain an option and are progressing,
especially for the development of the Selinsing sulphide project.


$Murchison Gold Project

$The Company will seek to develop the Murchison gold project into a
cornerstone asset through an aggressive two-year exploration program to
delineate additional ounces, alongside concluding a preliminary
economic assessment of the restart of the existing plant to build out
an early-stage production story.

The Murchison project represents a significant opportunity for the
Company to generate near term cash flows from the restart of gold
production using the existing well maintained 260k tpa mill.

Further extension drilling and step out exploration programs have the
potential to delineate additional resources, which could justify
expanding the current mill capacity up to 750k tpa for production of
25,000oz to 50,000oz per annum depending on exploration success in
areas which have historically been underexplored.

The Company’s strategy is to focus on an aggressive exploration plan to
increase the existing 380koz NI 43-101 compliant Measured, Indicated
and Inferred Resources over the next two years on a combined quality,
and quantity basis as feed to the already permitted plant and
infrastructure at Burnakura. The potential for treating third party ore
is also being considered.

$Selinsing Gold Mine

The Company plans to develop the Selinsing Sulphide Project into
production through a two stage de-risking process, in order to reduce
the initial upfront investment required.

Step 1 proposes the construction of a flotation plant producing gold
concentrates for sale to a third party, with cash generated from these
sales to be used as construction funding for the planned stage 2 BIOX

Selinsing has been the flagship project for Monument over the last
decade, with low operating costs, a dedicated operations team and
resources to underpin an additional six-year life of mine.

The completion of the plant upgrade and startup of production for the
new life of mine will provide significant future cash flows which can
be used to fund the second stage of development as well as further
exploration to increase the current resource base and support growth
in other areas of the business.

Selinsing is invaluable to de-risked cash resources to support
Monument’s corporate development and operations.

Cash would be generated at Selinsing from

(1) Gold production cash flow
from Selinsing Gold Mine,

(2) Development of a niche market through bio-leaching process with
third party sulphide concentrates, and

(3) Potential underground mining.

The Company will examine the justification of the above stated
opportunity to open a niche market to procure third parties’ sulphide
gold concentrates as a rationale for financing the Biox® plant that
will provide sustainable cash resources to the Company.

Further Acquisitions

The Company will seek to augment current and future production via a
suitable acquisition strategy that can either supplement future
production from the Murchison project and its possible expansion, or
enhance overall gold production via a large-scale standalone project.

Our mission statement from the very beginning has been to become a mid-
tier gold producer.

By achieving better quality and larger reserves and resources, a
potential acquisition would fundamentally change the Company’s
production profile and its position in the mining industry.

Any acquisition would need to show significant potential to add value
to the current resource base and future cash flows.


Management will devote its best effort to upgrade and establish a first
class asset base to increase the Company’s value.

Further the Company will allocate resources to build up market
awareness and transparency so that the Company’s long term share value
fully reflects the underlying real value of the portfolio and improve
overall shareholders’ long-term interests, through sustainable long-
term production.

Milestones and Timelines

Selinsing Flotation Production:
two stage construction with flotation
completed within 15 months for an estimated $20M, utilizing debt
financing and/or funding partners where appropriate to preserve cash
position for second stage Biox® plant.

This includes completion of flotation plant optimization and
engineering, procurement, construction and securing off-take

Murchison Exploration:
Murchison two-year exploration program estimated to cost A$10M to
delineate new resources to increase the current ounces, increase the
mine life and improve the cash flows of the project.

The program is expected to start subject to closing the Mengapur
Transaction in April 2021.

Murchison Production:
Usage of the current plant to generate cash flow through processing
existing gold mineralized materials or third party ores subject to

(1) completion of SRK review and their recommended follow up works,
(2) obtaining road access licenses.

Acquisition target generation:

Continuing internal and external appraisal of potential acquisitions
already underway.
Monument will regularly keep the market updated on its progress.

$About Monument

$Monument Mining Limited (TSX-V: MMY, FSE:D7Q1) is an established
Canadian gold producer that owns and operates;

$The Selinsing Gold Mine in Malaysia.

Its experienced management team is committed to growth and is advancing
several exploration and development projects including

$The Mengapur Copper and Iron Project, in Pahang State of Malaysia,
$The Murchison Gold Mines Projects comprising;

$Burnakura Gold Mine project,
$Gabanintha Gold Mine project and
$Tuckanarra Gold Mine project in the Murchison area of Western

The Company employs approximately 205 people in both regions and is
committed to the highest standards of environmental management, social
responsibility, and health and safety for its employees and neighboring

Cathy Zhai, President and CEO
Monument Mining Limited
Suite 1580 -1100 Melville Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 4A6

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION visit the company web site at

or contact:

Richard Cushing, MMY Vancouver T: +1-604-638-1661 x102

“Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.”

Forward-Looking Statement

$MMY Heap Leach Production Potential of Murchison;

$Kentor has done a decent analysis of the heap leaching potential
of the lower grade ores at Murchison.

As far as I know, we have the necessary heap leach equipment on hand
at $Burnakura for 2 million tons per year.

I used to own GGD which heap leaches very low grade tailings .....less
than 1 gm per ton
Agglomeration was necessary, as recoveries were greater once the head
grade ore was agglomerated with concrete.
However, agglomeration seems to be not needed very much for Burnakura

The other parameter is leach cycle time......the time required for the
gold to be leached out of the ore once placed on the heap pad.
I used 2 cycles per about 150 days to maximize recovery
of gold.

However, Kentor shows about 24 days which I think must mean something
else , as that cycle is quite rapid.

So I use 2 cycles per year Of 500,000 tons of auriferous ore which means
1 million tons per year.

I will use an average of 0.9 gms per ton as head grade of the ore
placed on the heap leach pads.

So, that means 900,000 grams of contained gold on the heap leach pads
per year.

Recovery rates is about 90% for this grade of ore, so we end up
recovering about 800,000 grams of gold per year, which divided
by 31 gms per ounce means an annual production of about
25,000 ounces per year .

This is quite close to the 30,000 ounces recovered/ year by
Indee gold which used this same leach equipment which was
acquired by Kentor.

So, combining 40,000 ounces of high grade production from underground
ore through the Burnakura mill @ 300,000 tons per year.....see my
previous post..and 25,000 ounces of the lower grades from heap leach,
we have about 65,000 ounces of production per year .

Heap leach is cheaper than milling for obvious reasons .

So an AISC of $1000 per ounce for the two combined production methods
seems quite reasonable .
@$1800 POG, we are excess cash flowing about $50 million per year .

Our neighbour KRR ( which I own ) free cash flows $80 million per year
on 95,000 ounces .

This is good agreement .
KRR trades at 5.5 times its free cash flow.

This would imply..but degraded 4,5 times , for lower production ..a
fair value of about $225 million for our Murchison production,
employing fully our current milling and heap leach facilities .

But, we have in addition , that rich gold copper resource at the
Yagahong deposit of Gabathinia along with its other 6 pits none of
which have been fully explored or the possibility of
finding supergene ore.

So, our Murchison assets have superb value at current POG.

It's my analytical opinion, that the Greatest value of our Murchison
assets would accrue to us shareholders by spinning it out to us as
a new public listing, including the Tuckanara seed capital and JV ,
allocated perhaps 80% to shareholders and 20 % to our parent company.

Its a win win situation
By nozzpack

$MMY- $70 mil in assets and only a $42 mil market cap? NO DEBT! :-) )

Way undervalued and oversold -
5 bagger + + + + ? or more - :-))

Imo! TIA

$Monument Mining (TSXV:MMY) Photo Gallery - well they growing with new
great discovery of plenty more gold ore to increase
the ore reserve with good drilling results to be mined many future
years the weather is good no curtain needed - :-))

$1,000th Gold Bar Pour Produced by MMY; Photo Gallery :-)) It's a great Mother ore start;

$Market Cap $46 mil. - No Debt - someone has to be kidding :-))
is it the fact ???
What a Great Gold Mines bargain :-))

MMY It's very undervalued, oversold like > hidden giant Au gold mines
soon to be discovered :-))

$Selinsing Gold Mine

The Selinsing gold mine is an operating high-grade gold mine at Bukit
Selinsing in Pahang State, Malaysia.

Monument Reports First Quarter Fiscal 2021 (“Q1 2021”) Results
November 16, 2020

News Releases
Monument Reports First Quarter Fiscal 2021 (“Q1 2021”) Results
November 16, 2020
View PDF
Gross Revenue of $5.92 Million and Cash Cost of US$923/Oz

Vancouver, B.C., November 16, 2020,

Monument Mining Limited (TSX-V: MMY and FSE: D7Q1)
“Monument” or the “Company” today announced its first quarter
production and financial results for the three months ended
September 30, 2020.
All amounts are expressed in United States dollars (“US$”) unless
otherwise indicated (refer to for full financial

President and CEO Cathy Zhai commented:
“Fiscal 2021 started with new challenging as a global COVID-19
pandemic carried forward from fiscal 2020.
The Company has fully resumed its production in the first quarter
from eight-week’s mining ban at Selinsing in the first quarter,
the Selinsing Sulphide gold plant upgrade
is however still pending for financing.

“On the other hand, gold price surged to record high and
the gold mining sector was very active in Western Australia,
gold mining producers enjoyed high production margins, and
investment is flowing into that region for gold explorations.

The Company continues try hard to access to financing, and
it is very closely monitoring the market and looking for
divesting of base metal portfolio to
focus on primary gold assets, as well as
new corporate development opportunities
to lift up market value for the best
interest of its shareholders.”

First Quarter Highlights:

3,504 ounces (“oz”) of gold produced (Q1 2020:

4,852oz) with 3,100oz of gold sold for gross revenue of
$5.92 million (Q1 2020: 4,323oz of gold sold for
revenue of $6.34 million);

Gross margin of $3.06 million (Q1 2020: $2.65 million);

Average realized price per ounce, excluding prepaid gold sales, of
$1,909/oz (Q1 2020: $1,475/oz);

Cash cost per ounce of $923/oz (Q1 2020: $855/oz);

All-in sustaining costs per ounce (“AISC”) of $1,055/oz (Q1 2020:

Peranggih grade control drilling after positive trial mining results
identified 58,662 tonnes at 0.93g/t Au materials;

Production resumed at Selinsing after lifting eight weeks mining ban in
last quarter during COVID-19 pandemic
Entering into a Tuckanarra JV arrangement with Odyssey subsequent to
the quarter opens corporate development opportunities in WA region.

First Quarter Production and Financial Highlights

Monument Mining (TSXV:MMY) Note...

RE:Substantial Increase in Gold ...Stage 1 open pit Peranghi
nozzpack @ sth. wrote:

Based on the 2017 GC drilling program which identified a high grade zone
measuring 150 m by 80 m in P North ( see Fig 1 in link below )
management estimated this this GC zone contained 20,000 to 30,000
ounces....see link to 2017 NR below.

The recently completed 5002 m GC drilling of this Zone elicited this
statement from management..

The GC delineated indicates;

54.2% higher contained ounces,
63% higher gold grade, and
5.2% less tonnage gold materials to be extracted than
the initial assay results from 2017 GC drilling program
at the same area.

So in just this small zone, we now have
at least 31,000 to 47,000 ounces of
even higher grade gold within a lesser volume of ore.

I had earlier missed this implication .

They are now telling us that we have a significant new gold deposit
at Peranghi whose size will eventually describe
a substantially new oxide resource once P North and
the other 3 high grade zones are fully explored.

My earlier analyses of these 4 zones showed in
excess of 120,000 ounces.

This discovery completely alters the future perspective
for mining at rush
to fund Biox as we have new and
substantial sources of high grade oxides
for years to come


The Peranggih phase 1 GC drill program was completed
during Q1 2021 with additional 1,466 meters drilled
bringing total drilling to 5,002 meters.

The drill program identified a
total of 58,662 tonnes at 0.93g/t Au,
which increased the mining inventory.

The GC delineated indicates;

54.2% higher contained ounces,
63% higher gold grade, and
5.2% less tonnage gold materials to be
extracted than the initial assay results
from 2017 GC drilling program at the same area.

A further GC drill program was planned;

The Peranggih phase 1 GC drill program was completed
during Q1 2021 with additional 1,466 meters drilled
bringing total drilling to 5,002 meters.

The drill program identified a;
total of 58,662 tonnes at 0.93g/t Au,
which increased the mining inventory.

The GC delineated indicates;
54.2% higher contained ounces,
63% higher gold grade, and
5.2% less tonnage gold materials to be extracted
than the initial assay results from
2017 GC drilling program at the same area.

A further GC drill program was planned,

see fig 1 at this link

The recent 2017 close spaced RAB drilling program
was carried out at an historic mining site to
test 150m strike length x 80m width of the mineralization.

This allowed the accurate identification of
several high grade gold (HG) zones surrounded
by a main low grade (LG) halo.

The significant drill intersections;
(Au >2.0 g/t & >5m length) within a more
consistent high grade gold area are presented in
Table 1.

The full set of drill results for the holes intercepting
this HG gold mineralization occurrence are listed in

Appendix A and Appendix B.

Previous activities plus more recent exploration works,
totaling 1,700m for 21 trenches, 2,900m of Diamond Drilling (DD) and
Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling for
35 drill holes, and 2,800m of close spaced RAB drilling
for approximately 300 drill holes (completed in 2017)
have been used to outline an exploration
target of 20,000 to 30,000 oz Au contained
within 1 to 2 Mt @ 0.3 to 2.0 g/t Au.
The potential tonnages and grades are con

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