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02/24/21 3:15 PM

#45465 RE: TheSerb #45463

eWellness Healthcare Corporation is the first physical therapy telehealth company to offer real-time distance monitored assessments and treatments. Our business model is to have large-scale employers use our PHZIO platform as a fully PT monitored corporate musculoskeletal treatment (“MSK”) wellness program. The Company’s PHZIO home physical therapy assessment and exercise platform has been designed to disrupt the $30 billion physical therapy market, the $4 billion MSK market and the $8 billion corporate wellness industry. PHZIO re-defines the way MSK physical therapy can be delivered. PHZIO is the first real-time remote monitored 1-to-many MSK physical therapy platforms for home use.

We have commenced treating patients on various commercial contracts and generated initial revenues during the 4th quarter of 2019. We continue to train physical therapists on how to use our PHZIO treatment platform with many of these therapists treating various patients on our system on a complimentary basis. Our PHZIO system has delivered over 10,000 telerehab treatments to date. We are currently treating up to nearly 1,000 patients per day and expect to deliver at least 300,000 PHZIO treatment sessions during 2020.

Our latest challenges in the Workers Compensation space has been patient adoption of PHZIO, related to a patient’s choice to choose if they are treated in-clinic or digitally. They are nearly all choosing in-clinic care. Our pivot to address this issue was to develop and sell MSK 360 a pre-injury fitness exam and custom exercise platform that is just rolling out now. Next, we finally are getting traction for our Per-Hab product with several large TPA’s. Lastly, multiple clients are requesting a Rheumatoid Arthritis Exercise product (RA 360) that is currently being developed with a launch date of mid-January. With the success of MSK 360 we expect that more Workers Comp patients will choose digital care over in-clinic care.

We have now developed four key products with large scale users that need to turn on utilization in 2020. We have a large list of corporate self-insured, TPA and insurance company sales book that we are actively focused on selling to them our MSK-360 and Pre-Hab platforms. We expect good traction from many of these firms in 2020. These products are:

+ PHZIO: Realtime PT monitored Digital PT Treatments (post-injury)

+ MSK 360: Digital “PHZIOFIT” fitness exam and customer exercise plans for employees, (pre-injury)

+ Pre-Hab: Digital pre-surgery (non-monitored) for Total Knee, Hip and Shoulder surgery (post injury and pre-surgery)

+ RA 360: (Available late 2020) Rheumatoid Arthritis Exercise Plan


02/24/21 3:31 PM

#45473 RE: TheSerb #45463

Many are holding this long...spring is then big reveal for EWLL.