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03/01/21 8:00 AM

#809 RE: leftovers #808


I just found out Buffet bought $4.1Billion in this company after Biden shutdown Keystone Pipeline and other projects ! Now Buffet's railroads will be used to transport that oil, which is very dangerous to do by rail, and Buffet will profit over $2 Billion from that deal !!

This is lunacy and payback for Buffet supporting a destructive Administration under Biden and anyone who supports this stock or Buffet after this, needs to get out of this country !

This is sickening & treasonous as I see it and Anti-American in every way!!!

My uncles did not fight WWII to turn in their graves to know the USA is going into a Socialist Nation !

Time for All Americans to stand up to this crooked Administration and deep state political games that DOES NOT benefit the people at all! Look at Pelosi and the current stimulus bill- ONLY 9% going to us small business owners and YOU & I ??? People ought to be outrages seeing this...