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01/14/07 9:20 AM

#222 RE: SSKILLZ1 #221

It looks like my TGA is in your system as TAG. I could be wrong, but...

Txs for ALL the hard work. Much appreciated. Bull


01/14/07 5:49 PM

#228 RE: SSKILLZ1 #221

Is Mr. Sheep gonna be around? [edit, I see that he is] There is a phenomenon where the ability of a large group to predict an uncertain outcome is far greater than that of a single person. IE even if the outcome is unknown and impossible to know if a large group of people guess the group average will be closer than that of any single person.

Wonder if that will work with the group here? I see CEDA has 10 votes and some others with high #'s as well.


01/20/07 5:01 PM

#347 RE: SSKILLZ1 #221

SSS...: I keep seeing TAG in your lists with one person on it
BUT I do NOT see TGA which I have on my list.
Pls let me know. Bull