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02/24/21 10:35 AM

#12060 RE: eastunder #12057

I stopped fooling with all of that when Stockcharts cut us off even tho' I do as much as I can with Stockscores, it's just not as fun. I noticed the change quite a bit ago and Yes finviz still updates.

I'm so dumb, I still scrape https:// and then type in [chart] [/ chart]

shows you how little I work on this anymore and just go with any pablum they feed me.


Here's when we could steal the properties and change the symbols and time frame, but I can't remember how we changed the time frame.

Fin Wkly (2 yr)

Fin Mo. 8 yr. (7?)

It now won't automatically drops the 's', I don't know but, that 'publish' in there is affecting things as well.
