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02/22/21 10:57 PM

#112291 RE: iron-eagle #112290

Great find as always.. appreciate the DD Eagle....Lets see what crazy spin they have on this.
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02/22/21 11:09 PM

#112292 RE: iron-eagle #112290

What’s restructuring mean ? Ha It means Good Things Are Coming Very Very Soon!!
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02/22/21 11:22 PM

#112293 RE: iron-eagle #112290

So, all of the court records that document the liquidation of the company assets is a lie, then? PWC, the 2 federal judges, LCYB all lied to the public and to all the creditors and the shareholders? They all lied and the secured creditors, with all their legal and finance teams were completely hoodwinked? Were the other bidders in on it, too?

Yeah, seems likely.
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02/22/21 11:37 PM

#112294 RE: iron-eagle #112290

That was a good read...While eating my popcorn...sir....Shares are intact and safe...That DD pretty much settles this....
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02/23/21 6:44 AM

#112299 RE: iron-eagle #112290

Well BioAmber was restructured. They had their assets stripped away as in the ownership of the plant, patents, IP, trademarks, trade names, the land the plant sits on and everything else of value all sold to LCYB for $4.34 mil. So yes they were restructured into non existence long long ago lol.
Man all of this and still nobody knows who would buy the shares, how much they would pay and when will it happen. What would this company get for their money? The only thing left is a forfeited shell that owes 400,000 or so in back taxes, the shares and about $80 mil of debt so what’s even left?
After 2 years not a single person knows anything?
Yep this one was over long ago I can see that. Shares safe, intact and worthless
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Real McCoy

02/23/21 7:51 AM

#112303 RE: iron-eagle #112290

See the line above the one you highlighted? “Restructuring of Carillion Group”? Yeah, Carillion Group was liquidated. It was a big deal at the time, about 3 years ago. Obviously there was no recovery for shareholders.

After this embarassment- will there still be another snippet tomorrow?