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02/22/21 6:08 PM

#626 RE: Mother Poker #625

Ohhh yesssss. Correction u r. A big ass spike is due to
Happenscwith gporq stock. When it does use it to your reward and benefit and sell your position of GPORQ... cause basically I don’t see gporq shares coming out of bankruptcy alive. But look at hertz car rental. Hertz shares were supposed to be cancelled and the symbol revoked but hertz stock is still trading. But time is ticking. And time is not in favor for gporq stock. I wish I could say other... unless some company wants to
Buynout the existing bond holders. Then that would be a game changer....and the longervthis court case drags out the better for GPORQ shareholders... cause a judge could declare a mis trial or the judge could say gporq should never of filled bankruptcy in the first place