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02/21/21 7:21 PM

#128349 RE: Jammin1 #128348

He could probably use some advice

He doesn't take advice.
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02/21/21 8:46 PM

#128353 RE: Jammin1 #128348

I'm 99% sure at this point that Danny doesn't use PRs only as announcements for investors. He also uses them for SEO (search engine optimization) purposes. You can tell by the way he jams huge numbers of various, varied keywords within the PRs (e.g. the wholesale women's fashion one the other day, check how many unique linked and search query-related terms were packed into that one).

I believe he has discovered through significant on-the-job experience that press releases work as more-effective and less-expensive advertising than traditional advertising media for driving e-commerce sales and web traffic, probably because PRs are crawled more effectively by the googles of the world and therefore affect search indexing --> drive traffic to BRAV sites better than banner ads do. Then, investors copy/paste them and repost them through websites like this one, leading to secondary/tertiary indexing by the same web crawlers.

Stemming from this, I think Danny is trying to set up b2b sales to pet supply companies, and he's trying to catch them by targeting an obscure query only they will make (the mannequins are for product showcasing). This niche term will mostly be utilized by wholesalers or pet supply companies. These are the people, not "pet people," who are most likely to be interested in dog and cat mannequins. If Danny can catch them by microtargeting a search and dominating results for it, he lands a potential high-volume, sustaining client and also gets their eyes on's other products at the same time.

I think people should be very careful leaping to quick judgments about the purpose/effectiveness of these PRs, and less quick to disrespect the amount of experience acquired from running this type of company for 14+ years.
