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02/20/21 2:17 PM

#23584 RE: harpe5368 #23583

Well the Jan 12 PR indicated that they were doing it the way you posted. The testing on virgin ore was from an earlier PR. So the Jan 12 post takes precedence. But the original goal was to clean up cyanide tainted piles with later PRs talking about using some combination of existing technology along with RockKleen.

So, for now, it is as you described. Cyanide and RockKleen both used to extract PM and RockKleen to remove the cyanide.

Seems like it isn't really a change in the original plan of cleaning tainted piles just introducing RockKleen sooner in the sequence so that the miner can recover a higher percentage of PM when initially heap leaching and immediately cleaning out the cyanide instead of letting the polluted piles sit with the cyanide getting into the environment.

They are still adjusting the plan and the technology.