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02/19/21 5:29 PM

#48046 RE: sundownsam #47988

I will have to admit I did not see this coming today but I still think you are off on your prediction. Everything that has been said about BYOC is still true. The reason for my opinion is this co. is so undervalued at this point. They should not be trading at this level period. There are stocks trading way higher than this with miles of air under them ready to free fall. BYOC is sitting on solid ground. They have real revenue and long term contracts with some of the biggest companies in the world along with many other things in their favor. So a little about my trading style. I swing trade some stocks and go long on others. I do this for a living and do very well. I could never make as much with my swing trades as my holds mostly because of the number of shares I go long with but my long holds are also why I can buy that much. I have been buying BYOC since May or June. Everything I said will happen will happen to me because I will be here when it does. I am looking for 1000% plus gains on this stock over the next year or two. I will sell as I go but when this is selling for dollars I will be here. I do not swing trade my long positions, that`s like starting a fire and throwing water on it to get it to burn better. I never post on a swing trade, I only post on my long positions. Unless someone is making 7 figures on their longs I doubt they can change my opinion. I did not start with enough to do this but this is how I got here. If I would sell all my BYOC at one time I would crash the stock no matter the volume so that does affect my actions and what I can or can not do. I only posted this much info to help others and give credibility to my posts. Bottom line no one has a crystal ball. I can not put exact dates when things will happen nor can anyone else. What I do know is if you believe in what you have and the DD has not changed just stay the course and the price will come. Just another opinion, charts are worthless in the OTC. If this flies next week great if the week after that`s ok also. If it takes off in March so be it. If it is slow and steady that is fine also. This stock will go to dollars unless the DD changes unexpectedly but that is true with any stock. We will both win in the end and good luck to us both.

As you know that with penny stocks momentum moves the price of the stock which causes one to sell high and wait to see how low it will drop or waith to it drops to be picked up again. Momentum dies out and if no positive press release is issued the stock price would eventually drop. Now, I agree with you and the other investor who stated what was happening, but with this momentum a positive press release needs to be issued otherwise in my opinion it will drop to the range I stated. It looked like momentum stopped, but it picked up.

Nothing odd, if momentum is moving the price of the stock without a press release as fast as it went up it will go down. Just my opinion. My hope is for a positive press release to be issued.

I do not short any stock and neither do I play shorts, I do not bash stocks, I do give opinion even as a shareholder and you will never see me on a board if I do not own the stock.