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Replies to #65865 on Bible (Bible)


02/19/21 8:47 AM

#65866 RE: Long2Retire #65865

Thanks---I had to read it 3 times for it to start to sink in. I have read the O.T and tried to get a grip on a lot of it and am just now learning the connection of the O.T. with the New....the more I dig the more I understand how they tie into gather.

Now this will cause many to totally disagree, but, what I learned concerning the beginning of it all. God created all in 7 days. then the subject of evolution comes into play. I don't know, but maybe 8 or 10 years ago I came to what was clear to me or made sense to me... In reading and studying 1st of Genesis, yes it says in 7 days God Created----then I learned that it was the 4th day (starting in verse 14) that I learned that this marked the beginning of the 24 hour day, as we know what was the 1st 3 days.

In Genesis in Hebrew word DAY is "yowm." yome--can be used as a 24 hour day, or time set apart for a specific purpose (day of atonement ), or a longer period of time during which certain revealed purposes of God are to be accomplished --- l may look at it however I wish, but however I look at it-- the sun did not become a measure of time before the fourth day. Now when I understand DAY like this I clearly understand the creation. I do not argue the point, some say the Bible says God did it all in 7-- 24 hour periods, and that is the way it is---PERIOD-- I respect those thoughts, but in Hebrew the word day can mean different 4 things and there is no denying that Scripture explains the fourth day. NOW !! I could be way off base, but I am happy with my understanding.

When I post something here, and others agree, disagree or just add to it, I really appreciate it. Often their thoughts open a new understanding, their thoughts cause me to do some research, their thoughts help me in learning. Now if it offers help to me, think of how it may help one who never post on the board, but reads the board or one who is just seeking.....Reckon my point is folks don't be shy, everyone here is in a learning curve and much will never be made clear until we pass into eternity. One time in S.S. I made the statement that I would rather get to heaven and tell God, well this is what I thought Paul meant rather than say the teacher or preacher told me this or that. And that my friend is why we read God's word.