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02/18/21 4:41 PM

#18297 RE: critter1 #18296

Etrade will not even let you put in a sell order


02/19/21 9:54 AM

#18301 RE: critter1 #18296

I was able to sell some through RBC action direct. I heard that there was buying going on and wanted to test this. I sold 1 million at .001, couldn't believe it after all these years. Have more up for higher amounts, just wanted to see if I could sell them. Funny thing is that when I put a sell order in, I got a message telling me that I have entered an invalid stock symbol but when I clicked the submit button, it went through. I did this for three different sell orders. I wonder why Action direct keeps giving the invalid stock symbol then lets it go through. Not complaining. Very tempted to sell them all at .001 but will hold out for more. All of my dead stocks have come to life and all at least 10 baggers now.