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02/18/21 2:08 PM

#6732 RE: KMP46 #6731

What new disclosures?


02/18/21 3:22 PM

#6733 RE: KMP46 #6731

You've made a lot of money, KP. If I were still here, no way I would have had all my shares all the way to $1. I like to protect myself. I would have kept some. You should lock in some good profits! Don't get too greedy. Make sure you win in any outcome. Cover all coss with profit. When HLIX went to $10 some years ago, I would have had $100,000 in profit if I never protected myseld on the trip up. Instead, I ended with $55,000 profit. Those last shares hold lots of weight. Play it smart! And I'd do the same thing again, under the same foggy conditions ahead and no crystal ball.

I'm short Tesla right now. Went short a few weeks ago when it hit $850. Fool's gold! Florida tea! $300 strike price and $200 strike price (expiration January of 2022. And a inverse Bear S&P 500 fund (SH) which moves in opposite direction of the S&P 500. Lots of overvalued things out there. Not saying HLIX is one way or another. Oh yeah, TSLA is the most overvalued thing I've ever seen. And buying $1.5 billion worth of bitcoin smacks of negligence. That's a lawsuit waiting to happen. Market to market losses coming. Phantom profits from government rebates. Disaster in the making. Not a matter of ifff, only when.

TSLA is in la la land with almost a Trillion-dollar market cap. Worth more than 3 times Berkshire? No way. My money is on Buffett, not Musk. 95% downside. Worth $80 at best.

I'm waiting for the feast. I have no margin debt now. Loads of purchasing power. I waiting for the bubble to pop. But no way I'd time either, so I'm in but in value stocks. And TOT and Wells Fargo are two great anchors! Can't wait to hear what Buffett says in a few weeks. Listen to the quiet ones, not the loud mouths. For once, HLIX has been quiet. Always a good sign. Elon Musk, on the other hand, foaming at the mouth 24/7. Like Trump. The loudest one in the room is the weakest one in the room. Never fails!

Still can't wait to see how everything looks here after all the dust has cleared and settled. Forion, if it goes through (nothing is guaranteed) can be around for years. One day, there will be a time to jump on it. Always a time for hte patient.

And KERN is almost equal to market cap as HLIX now. Not even the Summer yet. That was a given, no matter the cards fall eventually. Just like KERN, Forion will probably be volatile. Just watch your back and make sure nobody can stab you in the back. Cover your costs with profit to boot. Tread carefully! Even good intentions can backfire. And most intentions are fraudulent, deceptive, or just off center. You have great profit here. Don't let anybody take it from you.

And, don't trust Texas. Probably the last state to legalize marijuana. My brethren aren't the brightest bulbs in the Divided states. That was no fun. Sitting in car to get warm. See what isolationist policies like North Korea get you? Rolling blackouts from deregulation and no fed oversight. Idiots! I'm surrounded by idiots! Isolationist policies on par with Trump's policies. Man, what a mess to clean up to make AMerica great again. Thank god for the stock market and idiots galore, that's all I have to say.