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02/18/21 12:34 PM

#54113 RE: jpstockman #54018

Thank you. That makes a lot of sense. I did see Steve’s clarifying tweet tested at explaining that.

In regards to Hercules and our RSI debate. I have some skin in the game. Not as much as others here. I have 50k shares at an average price of 9c. I have recently told friends, family, and colleagues about this stock. A couple people are going to be dropping 5k. I know, not a lot of money, but for some it is. I would not be posting here or recommending this stock to everyone and their dog if I didn’t believe in it. To be clear. I think this will hit all time highs again. I am unwavering in that belief. I believe that at my core.

But to ignore an RSI as if it’s irrelevant is somewhat irresponsible. You don’t need to base your trades on it. But at least acknowledge that the RSI is hot.

We are due for a pullback. When, who knows, usually this happens when the RSI is overextend. That’s facts. But Nobody really knows for certain, it’s hard to predict. I’m here long term. I will buy the dips, as I want to have 75k shares and rock with that up to all time highs.