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02/17/21 10:50 PM

#139318 RE: Huggy Bear #139317

And yet with all of this supposed rich bomb shell SCAM information, the SEC to date has done nothing. And they never will act on that Horseshit. It's not like they are not aware of general false statements having been made. Smoking gun? What's funny about that post (not haha funny because there is nothing funny about real SCAMs not make believe ones) is that the only thing that can be referenced by anyone trying to make a claim of a scam is this non-factual garbage, trying to link Leonard to any type of wrongdoing that just isn't there. On closer inspection of the facts (NOT myths) that nonsense completely crumbles.

Why is that? Because it is basically the only blank ammunition that can be used to try to indicate something that is NOT.

Please anyone, point out Nugent's role with Tautachrome since it became a company. Also, what is Nugent's current role regarding ARknet. Easy answers to find. Is he secretly on the BOD?

The only endless fairy tales result from ones having made at times such a false claim or similar ones that have been debunked over and over countless times. However, for those who might have just found the board who don't do much DD, but on the surface look at board comments, it's important to point this out.

Thanks for referencing the nothing burger once again....