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02/18/21 12:48 AM

#379371 RE: frontloading #379369

Oh jess. Jess indeedy. How much time will depend on what he has to offer, how needed or heppful it is, and how cooperative he is.

With no plea deal and no cooperation and a CONviction a trial, he's prolly looking at 48-55 munffs (as a first offense wiff no or a smallish upward departure due to going to trial and his NTEK shenanagans that are in the SEC case and which the sentencing judge will be allowed to take into CONsideration even if he plads before any further counts re: NTEK are added in either the superseding indictment in Ilinois or a separate DOJ action in N.D. Cali for NTEK. Legally, NTGL and NTEK matters can be CONsidered separate crimes (different 'transactions and occurrences') and can be charged separately. This is all up to politics between the N.D. Ill. USA and the SF USA for N.D. Cali at this point.

If Bennie has useful evidence and testimony to proffer for a lenient plea deal, and he is very heppful and totally cooperative. He could be looking at less than 24 munffs - possibly as few as 12 munffs or even 10 if he has dynamite evidence and testimony that can bring down others (e.g., Nic Jacobs/SilkyBaller or other tout sponsors of BIGhaus promos or brokers). Depends how much useful info he has and how many other miscreants he can cause to be netted and landed (boated).

Butt he will have to do some time, just on principal alone. You can't lett a clown who forged a financial instrument with a fake bank cancellation stamp go wiff~OUTT a show-trial prison sentence, let alone his other crimes.

Butt it will be easy camp time, even in KY jelly (Kentucky jelly) or West Virginia. Thing is, when he getts ~OUTT - good luck finding ANY yobb in accounting with a felony fraud CONviction and prison time. His 'career' is done. No yobbs involving any accounting, no gubmint yobbs, and he's too old to apprentice for a trade. He'll be driving a bread delivery truck, or a potato chip delivery route, maybe, if his cards fall just right, he'll be behind the paint counter at a local hardware shoppe mixing colors for customers and wearing a shirt with "Bennie" stitched on the upper left chest.

But, unlike Coyote, at least Bennie will gett ~OUTT.

I bleeve if anything is delaying Bennie from the inevitable pla agreement, if there is anything at all, it is likely the prospect that his 'career' is over and when he getts ~OUTT, the paint counter (best case) or driving the Bimbo bread delivery truck is the best that awaits him. Still that fear only makes the actual ~OUTTcome worse for him by delaying the plea agreement and the longer he takes, the worser it getts and the badder the terms.

It's really like a person with cancer or a toothache. They are so fearful of surgery, chemo, or a dentist's drill or pliers, that they postpone the inevitable, and when they finally cave and go for treatment, the condition has gotten worse and the pain and ~OUTTcome will be worse and more damaging to them. They let a cavity turn into a root canal and toof loss. They lett a Stage I resectable tumour that could be fully cured by early surgery develop into terminal Stage IV metastatic cancer that kills them.