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02/17/21 10:09 AM

#31638 RE: Investoray #31635

Yup yup...


02/17/21 10:10 AM

#31639 RE: Investoray #31635

He did, he created a whole new company lol


03/01/21 9:54 PM

#31698 RE: Investoray #31635

There are so many cases where justice is not served. Any one with common sense can see DeAvila and Sector 10 were robbed and fleeced. He had to pursue what his conscience and spirit demanded. Now the time has come for the tide and direction to change.

Is this guy for real!!? "DeAvila" went on with 10 years of litigation to settle for What!!? He obviously had a very weak case but used it to B. S. shareholders IMO, instead of litigation he should of spent the past 10 years building a business and shareholder value.


03/02/21 1:54 AM

#31699 RE: Investoray #31635

He used this case to fight his debt to them. Smoke and mirrors man