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02/16/21 2:07 PM

#139977 RE: rufus8421 #139975

My confusion right now is the recent price improvement.

Therefore, the only explanation is that someone in the large Pharma sector is showing interest, not in PMCB itself but it's intellectual property

What intellectual property? The CIABs are no longer protected under patent. The basics on how to encase cells in the cellulose beads is provided with the Sigma kits. Yes, AN still can keep secret to itself how to manufacture the CIABs in bulk. However, if a Pharma/biotech can, starting from scratch, can figure out in 64 days: How to create synthetic mRNA with the specific sequences desired to code for the Covid spike protein, encase it in a lipid nano encasing, and create a viable Covid vaccine... then just how tough would it be to encase cells in cellulose on a bulk scale? PMCB has no intellectual property to offer for sale. Involving a totally unproven treatment.

Maybe the recent price movement can be explained by more sanguine means...

First PMCB stock has a history of going up in Jan, and then fading back down in Feb-Mar. Pull up the chart for the last few yrs.

It has been noted on the DD forum there's a slew of Microcrap scam stocks soaring for no reason. Most are far worse than PMCB in nature. Speculation there's a big OTC stock dump coming, due to proposed changes to

Rule 144

PMCB is likely engaged in its usual Jan-Feb run, while tagging along a strange OTC bubble, with other stocks running on high volumes. Traders come, traders go.

Jimmy Joe

02/16/21 2:29 PM

#139982 RE: rufus8421 #139975

My confusion right now is the recent price improvement. I don't believe
Pharmacyte will ever have the resources to re-submit their application to the FDA. Therefore, the only explanation is that someone in the large Pharma sector is showing interest, not in PMCB itself but it's intellectual
property. If that is the case the share price could go higher but not enough to profit by.

Feel free to chime in.

Well, my price per share was much more, although I was able to get out of this mess by August 2019.... Kenny's scripted CC cam in September of 2019.
At that point I was glad I had made the move. Took a huge loss.

There is no confusion as to what is going on. Basic stuff. Two entities trading between one another, slapping the ask with the occasional newbies buying at or above the ask.
Float is 2.3 billion shares.... so with 16 million or more traded it is a drop in a bucket. They need for this thing to trade at least 10 times that to gain any attention. Yes, that would be about 160 million shares traded in a day.
For that to happen Kenny would have to drop his pants and give us a moon shot.

Basically this horse is played out unless the FDA performs a miracle
and lifts the hold on the IND. The FDA needs real hard data in order for that to happen. All of these stability tests are nonsense. The hard data comes with testing that has been done before. Lohr's tests were not cGMP compliant, had no control arm, and were very limited in scope (the number of people).

Like the clown car, the clowns keep coming yet the illusion is that all of the clowns were packed into the car to begin with. Smoke and mirrors.....

Let's have that conference call..... shall we?

Good luck, hope it goes back up to 7 cents so you can break even.