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02/15/21 4:52 PM

#3940 RE: MinnieM #3939

Is this only a little "inconveniences" of what is reported to be Climate Changes side issues?...or should we say "Global Warming" (or "Global Freezing") Strikes again?

Wait until New Green Deal kicks in and we have to rely on SOLAR covered in snow...for weeks.

California has constant "black-outs" with green energy...WOW...really bright people "Globalist/New Environmentalists. Laughable...U.S. Carbon down to lowest levels of developed nations...and China and India can pollute with dirty coal and oil as much as they want since they are considered "developing nations" and have no restrictions...

How much of this farce are the American People going to stand for? When will Americans turn around and revolt with "we are not going to take this (shit) anymore!"...

The Socialist/Marxist/Democrats better put their NIKES on and start running for China...that is the only country that will take them. Attempts at GUN will be the last stand. They will not take them without personally receiving its contents.

PS. Is it still woke to use the term "Blackout" or should it be "Inconvenience Absence of Light"?