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02/14/21 9:45 AM

#36025 RE: tiggerifficm4 #36024

An interesting headline for everyone who is waiting for effective drugs to be approved finally.
It's more and more urgent to use effective drugs in addition to vaccines!

from: Future Zone (London) 2/14/2021 10:25 GMT

British Corona variant is up to 60 percent more deadly.
New data on the British B.1.1.7 mutation provide evidence of more severe courses than the original variant.
Indications are increasing that the British corona variant B.1.1.7 causes a more severe course of the disease. A recent assessment by UK government scientists suggests a likely increased mortality rate. The relevant document was published on the government website on Friday.
The researchers evaluated several studies on severe courses. "The big picture shows an increase in the risk of hospitalization or death by about 40 to 60 percent," said Neil Ferguson, epidemiologist and scientific advisor to the UK government, in an interview with the New York Times on Saturday. Although the researchers documented that the data situation is still limited, the analyzes point in this direction.
More contagious
It has long been known that B.1.1.7 is also significantly more contagious than the originally circulating strain. Due to changes in the spike protein, it is unclear what the reason for the increased mortality is. One suspicion is that the higher viral load not only is more contagious, but also makes certain treatments less effective.


02/14/21 1:14 PM

#36027 RE: tiggerifficm4 #36024

Covid-19 vaccine manufacturers' prices exploded. But no vaccine protects 100 percent. It therefore also needs medication against a coronavirus infection. Does that mean the rally among drug researchers? There are four promising candidates.

The world is talking about how many people it takes for herd immunity to be vaccinated. About who's on when (even with an appointment calculator) and how long the effect lasts. There is even a “threat” of a glut of vaccines.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are currently 22 potential Covid-19 vaccines (as of January 22) in the crucial study phases 2/3 or 3. But regardless of the quantity and quality - there is no 100% vaccination protection - we stay with us the virus will last for several years, which is why new Covid 19 diseases will keep coming. Therefore, in the future we will not only need preventive vaccines, but also effective preparations for the treatment of those who are already infected.

Therefore, four companies are presented here that have promising treatment approaches in the fight against Covid-19. These include the German biotechs Immunic (based in New York) and InflaRx, the Israeli biopharma company Redhill and the Swiss course miracle Relief.