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02/13/21 12:20 AM

#41903 RE: ConferredDiligence #41886

Yeah, yeah yeah. Take your cheap shot, but note that :

Trump didn't, when he knew how seriously deadly COVID could become, did not immediately require mask wearing protection to alter the rising curve.

February 7: “It’s also more deadly than even your strenuous flu... This is deadly stuff” [Trump in a private taped interview with Bob Woodward, made public September 9]

By April 2020 the unemployment rate reached 15%.

That's the highest rate since the Great Depression.

And consequently, around 40 million Americans lost their jobs.

DJT's administration set the record for resignations with an 85% turnover in White House staff.

Republicans have chastised President Joe Biden for his use of executive actions.

But Trump issued more executive orders in his 1st 100 days that any other President in history.

In 2019 the Trump administration broke the record for most days without an on-camera press briefing, eventually going more the 300 days without one.

Trump also set the record for the most disliked President in modern history. Trump's average job approval was a measly 41%; the lowest job approval of any President in at least 70 years.

And finally, the obvious: he became the ONLY President to be impeached more than once during his term.

An egotistical blowhard who has used lies to inspire more than simple outrage; he's inspired outright hatred between friends, families, co-workers, and political groups which will linger far, far too long.

Hatred is one of the devil's most powerful shown by the comments of both Democrats and Republicans. Even though they are each, the other side of one coin.(country).

Civility has taken a too long break from normalcy in civic relations. Obviously there are just too many very unhappy people who've became nasty and violent.

Some Republicans are afraid to vote for impeachment because they're terrified of the risk of physical threats to themselves and their families; never mind it might cost them their next election attempt.