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02/11/21 2:03 PM

#125664 RE: eagleswin12003 #125658

Any idea what happened to "MJCoin"?

Just wondering.


02/11/21 2:05 PM

#125666 RE: eagleswin12003 #125658

That’s why he’s changing the name lol

Entire State of Ohio

02/11/21 2:12 PM

#125675 RE: eagleswin12003 #125658

lol his beer venture "tiger hemp beer", which he literally could not find any better slogan for than "catch the eye of the tiger", which created all sorts of issue for him, was supposed to be, as you mentioned "ouster's last stand"

He had a chinese brewery on tap, then he had it supposedly being made by a place in California, and Oregon, then he was going to purchase a brewery in Louisiana... that never happened.

This is also not his first scam in crypto... anyone remember "MJCOIN"?

Oh yeah, he was going to revolutionize crypto with that. Guaranteed 90% of the people here never even heard of it. He's tried to sweep it all under the rug so you don't see all of his failures.

Nevermind he tried to hire a "new CEO" last year, Noch, who stole his Twitter account and sued him for SEC violations.

That is STILL not settled.

Noch, who is ALSO a crook.

Folks, these are all birds of a feather, and the trail of shit that they leave behind them is consistent.

My advice, make your bets based on how you think others will react to his news, but if you think any of this will materialize in to ANYTHING that resembles long-term shareholder value..

well.... you just don't know James Tilton.