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02/10/21 12:20 PM

#145958 RE: kgromax #145955

I will correct you
1. Fife Group gets the meat (if any)
2. Preferred get the fat and cartilage
3.Common gets the sun drenched bone.


02/10/21 12:24 PM

#145960 RE: kgromax #145955

Great summary! Fact checked! Nader and his minions including Mike and Scott are frauds!

SF Anony

02/10/21 12:34 PM

#145970 RE: kgromax #145955

When you make easily refuted statements like those below, your arguments tend to be diminished:

Zero progress on the approval side

Generally speaking, what are the steps required to attain approval? I’m not a Quant and have ZERO professional experience in the biotech world, but broadly speaking I would think they go something like this (please correct me if I’m wrong):

- Develop (or acquire) a molecule
- Initial tests to determine basic safety and efficacy (animals?)
- Apply for New Drug designation and develop test plans
- Human safety/side effects trial (Phase 1?)
- Human efficacy trial (Phase 2?)
- Detailed human efficacy and safety trial (Phase 3?)
- Meet with FDA to review trial results and Application
- Application submitted
- Application reviewed by FDA

Assuming I have that correct, do you REALLY maintain that CytoDyn has made “Zero progress” in that process?


02/10/21 8:53 PM

#146146 RE: kgromax #145955

Rather than a Private Message I choose to share this as an educational experience for all CYDY shareholders.
The first sentence is the short narrative. Would others wish I bored them with my complete Big Picture 5 to 10 year view 95 times per day?? What do readers say. Want this? Really?

I can do a shortcut.

Every time I read CYDY is a fraud I could answer that CYDY will be huge beyond anyone's wildest dreams. My view is time tested. I use all tools. I am not stuck in the mud thinking that math is the total answer. If so, any Dude using just math would overtake Warren Buffet in one month. We all know how to spot hype.

Second sentence. This is a critical fatal mistake. The author just lost their right to be a Broker under FINRA.

What specifically is the fatal error?

"Cytodyn takes "all" its investors capital, distributes it amongst its insiders through payroll & "warrants" and ciao, investors "lost everything".

Every quote is another FINRA violation.

Students of the market, I will prove my point.

#1 All. This word is not legal in any forward looking statement. It is very difficult to use it with accuracy about the past. All means every dollar was lost. In investment an honest broker can never give a 100% prediction. I never did so once in all my years.

Lets go deeper. Joe Very Bright, Son of Incredibly Bright purchased CYDY at 30 cents, from CYDY in a Private Placement.

Has Joe Bright lost all of his investment? This proves the line two was an absolute lie. Not an error, a lie. Because Joe has done very well in the last 13 months even though we have a chart dude that says that CYDY is in a downtrend.

#2 warrants described as a total loss. I will toss in Options with the warts. Lets explore this. The CEO exercises 100,000 warts at 50 cents. Sells the stock a 2 7/8 roughly the price last April or early May, 2020. Joe Bright decided to buy shares that morning the CEO sold. Has Joe lost all his capital buying at 2 7/8.

Answer NO. Stock is higher. Joe Bright happens to be also very bright.

#3 Investors lost everything. This has already to have been proven a lie.

I ask for only the truth to be written. It its a prediction< fine. Say so. Stop make absolute claims that are lies. I just proved in one sentence there were three lies. The author has had his FINRA pulled.

To my short friends. Sleep well. Maybe you will start to see CYDY my way. If not, Bankruptcy awaits.


02/11/21 7:40 AM

#146215 RE: kgromax #145955


You stated:

Cytodyn takes all its investors capital, distributes it amongst its insiders through payroll & warrants, and ciao, investors lost everything.

Wow, I was under the assumption that monies were spent conducting clinical trials, paying for support services (Amarex the CRO), and manufacturing leronlimab.

We have been recurrently reminded of the money spent on "worthless" leronlimab and the outstanding balances still due to Samsung.

Is that not the case?

Is all the money really in pockets and beneath the mattresses of Dr. Pourhassan, executives and directors of Cytodyn?

Are you able to prove this to us?

Also, I checked by brokerage account. It does not appear that I have lost everything. In fact, I am up quite handsomely.

Is E*Trade in on the scam?