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02/10/21 12:47 PM

#1943 RE: xZx #1941

Out standing! Thank you for clearing that up.

Weed farmer

02/15/21 12:05 AM

#2158 RE: xZx #1941



02/22/21 8:37 AM

#2632 RE: xZx #1941

will be the the next bitcoin.

Weed farmer

03/22/21 12:30 PM

#3679 RE: xZx #1941



03/22/21 11:47 PM

#3686 RE: xZx #1941

I don't know who came up with that information but the video I saw said Dodge coin has unlimited Bitcoins because it creates 10 million a day unlike the Bitcoin that's soaring right now


03/23/21 8:25 AM

#3687 RE: xZx #1941

I’m definitely not crazy about that many coins being generated each day/year. I’m vested in this with a very small amount of 25k just in case it decides to blow up on us. I question their reasoning on why they set up the architecture in that way. I’m rather new to the crypto game but in my opinion most serious investors aren’t going to like the idea of dilution being built right into it like that.

The Kidz

04/18/21 2:23 PM

#6130 RE: xZx #1941

Keep in mind, however, that unlike a fiat currency, whereby some dude at a central bank goes, "hey let's print more money!", DOGE will only be mined if miners believe in the value and mining is cost effective Vis a Vis hardware and electricity prices.

In other words, the people get to decide.

So yes, it can be "diluted" but only if there is a demand for coins. and most importantly, it is already being used as currency, see the tipping phenomenon, which is the baseline goal of tokens regardless of technology. Remember?

So, no. Your warnings have been inverted by the blockchain and the peer to peer nature of crypto as well as the the early adapatation and use of DOGE as actual money. In other words, the enthusiasts are already using it in the market. Which is the point.

And we aren't talking about buying a Pizza in 2014.

Street Smart

04/18/21 2:30 PM

#6131 RE: xZx #1941

your right. And its the reason it can become a currency unlike Bitcoin