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02/09/21 9:58 PM

#124133 RE: Geo2014 #124128

OS doesn't matter. When it comes to share count that matters is whatever we each own. Look, I completely understand if you have 100M shares outstanding at the BO of $1B it's $10/share. Why Outstanding shares doesn't matter is b/c all I care about when BO occurs is to maximize the value of the BO. Compare this to Auris which sold for roughly $5-6B. I want Titan to get as much as they can on the BO, I think they are worth at least $5-6B. Yes I get that if there is 100M shares outstanding at $5B it's 50/share and if it is 200 shares outstanding it would be 25/share. So regardless of how many shares there is outstanding, I only care about maximum BO and # of shares I have.

As for pace of dilution, yes, it is obvious some did not keep pace of dilution, well I wasn't one of them and so I am not one that is rooting for Titan to fail. You've been around for awhile, when have you ever seen Titan dilute twice in a matter of months and release absolutely nothing from a PR and the stock has more then quadrupled in PPS. You haven't, none of us have and quite honestly the ones that have kept up with dilution are thrilled with what is happening. So yes, Titan maximizing BO valuation of $6-8B is what I want now and if they accept cash money from offerings going forward at $8, $10 with minimum dilution to help position themselves for maximum BO, I am all for that. At this point in the game, OS count is irrelevent compared to potential valuation to buyer for a Novel, next generation surgical robotic platform with a tremendous IP portfolio. Any company that buys Titan's platform and get's into surgical robotics in the next 2 years will increase their companies market cap by over $15B