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10/21/03 10:28 PM

#8474 RE: excel #8470

excel, you may want to take a look at the party that is disseminating this information and look a little deeper into their own self serving motives. Don't misunderstand me, I am not supporting Subway, but I also know more about Investrend than I would like to know.

Take a look at this and then tell me who they are to talk, how are they any better. Oh and by the way...for being such know-it-all's, I suggest they start by looking up the SEC definition of "scalping"

FinancialWire is an independent, proprietary news service of Investrend Information, a division of Investrend Communications, Inc. Additionally, Investrend provides a wide range of forums, independent research and webcasting platforms for shareholder empowerment. For more information or to receive the FirstAlert daily summary of news, commentary, research reports, webcasts, events and conference calls, click on

The above is a description of the services offered by the same company that is trashing on Subway.

Personally, if it were me, I would be suing the pure living shit out of Investrend for publishing this.

Even in the context of the securities industry, scalping has several different meanings. Generally, scalping means the UNDISCLOSED (emphasis added by me)selling of a security by a person or entity -- such as an investment adviser, securities research analyst, or financial newsletter -- who simultaneously recommends that you buy the security. It can also refer to a market maker, who, in violation of the Rules of Fair Practice of the NASD, adds an excessive markup or takes an excessive markdown on a transaction (commonly referred to as the five percent rule).

The ABOVE is the way the SEC defines Scalping. Compare that to what Investrend published: (see below)

for "scalping," the practice of "recommending the purchase of a stock to the general public while selling the stock at or near the same time,"

Now, take a look at Subway's disclosure...not only do they tell you how many shares they got, but they tell you point blank that they INTEND to sell.

In my opinion, Investrend is trying to get a major hold on the market and they consider Subway competition and this is their way of trying to take out the competition. Next time I get one of the weekly emails published by Investrend, I will post it on here. Then, take a look at the company's they about scammers !!! hint, USXP is usually on there, that should tell you something.