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02/06/21 12:28 PM

#21883 RE: moneyman2013 #21875

I think on a technical basis you can say it’s overbought but look at what this site, this technical site, says about IQST’s overbought status. Basically it’s in a huge run and the normal rules may not always apply. Now I don’t know if we get a pullback next week or it continues the climb, but the point is this is the aha moment for this stock.

We can look at ALPP once again to see that all gaps don’t have to fill, and being overbought doesn’t necessarily apply if the stock is reaching its new norm. The question not long ago was how could IQSTEL be talking uplist with a price so low? $2 or whatever it takes don’t look nearly as far away as it did a few months ago. The end to the toxic debts and dilution apparently put a lot of fears to rest. When the dust settled a huge revenue generating machine came into focus, and in their words, they are just getting started.

Some pullbacks are inevitable, just saying, whether it happens now or not, it’s not inevitable right now, IMO. Not as long as people keep looking at this, discovering it, and believe there is potential for more gains.