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02/09/21 6:28 AM

#2248 RE: HONU #2244

Well actually, it's working out pretty well to tell ya the truth.

I made $4k in $AG and sold as soon as I realized there is no Silver Squeeze.

Doing some basic DD will reveal that Redditeers talked it up in order to try and get another grass movement going without having to sell the list of tickers they were attacking. They don't have the resources to attack silver even if they used all the funds they have. BTW: A message went out on Reddit recently, something like STOP F+++ing SELLING GameStop
That right there shows you they have no $s to buy silver (which has been stuck @ $27 +/- for a week now)

Silver has been owned and manipulated for longer than most of those Redditeers having been inhaling H2O. You think anyone is going to get over on the Investment Banks? ROTFLMFA.

Appears that after that one day fake silver squeeze spike to $22.12 things have settled down into a channel here. Well you guys keep your life savings here and perhaps a silver squeeze will happen sometime this century.

I've taken my profits here and have joined the Cryptocurrency crowd.

Does that answer your question?


Bitcoin $46k Ethereum $1.7k and both are rising.