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02/05/21 10:22 AM

#31240 RE: confirm #31239

Here's what amazing: how some people don't understand what "dark or defunct" means.

As for "updated LLBO Cyrcadia Health percentage ownership" - Read The Filings. Cyrcadia is not a subsidiary of Lifeline. Lifeline doesn't own Cyrcadia -- Lifeline doesn't get a cut of the profits if there ever ARE any profits. Lifeline is a holding company that once owned 42% of Cyrcadia stock and at last count owned 30% and who knows what percentage they own now -- Holmes holds 1/3 of LLBO's worthless O/S and he stopped even pretending over a year ago -- he doesn't bother filing OTC statements any more or paying to maintain the sham of his website (try going there, LOL).

LLBO is dead. It's worse than a zombie - it's a zombie that hasn't the strength to stand.

As for Cyrcadia -- I can only imagine how upset those original Cyrcadia investors are today. They got to watch a fake paid-for "documentary" and they got to listen to glowing promises about clinical trials and FDA submissions, but today in 2021 there is no clinical data to submit with a 510(k) which means there is no 510(k) - end of story.

What was Melanie Griffith thinking. She needed a paycheck I guess.