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02/04/21 8:59 PM

#49957 RE: 1sdestiny #49956

After listening to the Florida doctor--- yes, the Zager presentation is important and the results in Europe I hear have been good...
this tech seems very important--- yes, my MD IR friend has said so always...
Seems like this should be priority review and approval by FDA.--- we need good results in the trials for FDA approval; possible 2021 I hear...
I’m not sure why this isn’t a buzz.--- Delcath history with FDA was not good and stock a disaster after $16---
as Sam knows, now is a new day.
Should be a BUY now as a spec. Upside possible is great.


02/16/21 5:05 AM

#49970 RE: 1sdestiny #49956

Good to speak. Thanks!
Let's see how we do with this!!!