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02/04/21 6:32 PM

#56 RE: Spifster #54


Good point it’s not really clear if they meant US or Canadian because they didn’t call that out explicitly. But certainly seems like it would be Canadian dollars. Good call on that- so now I’m left scratching my head on the price action today. Normally this sort of move would cause downward pressure but as one poster pointed out in that site you provided, perhaps people don’t mind paying a premium. But if I were to guess, I’m assuming this will go back down in the coming weeks- but I’ve seen this before where the price gets pumped up after a private placement then comes back and settles. So hard to get it right.

And thanks for the extra resource- reading through some of the negative comments, there is clearly some confusion and unjustified views. But looks up to date so I’ll definitely be taking a look at that regularly.