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02/03/21 12:51 PM

#18613 RE: ombowstring #18612

Ombow, Yes, but becoming too focused on one stock has its own dangers. The tendency is put blinders on and not look at the negatives. People want one stock that will make them rich fast, but that's a very dangerous way of thinking, it almost never works that way. You don't want to be a 'one trick pony'. Cortex comes to mind. I think some of that single stock mentality also comes from laziness.

For me the biggest red flag of all with CYDY is the shifty nature of the CEO. I sensed it from the first time I watched that guy. The problem with people like that is you can't believe anything they say. Betting the farm on a shyster like that, probably not a great idea. 'Get rich quick' can turn into a nightmare.