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02/03/21 5:29 PM

#14020 RE: StockHighAlert- #14019

If you hear a lie often enough people begin to believe it... Case in point... Smartmetric 'the maker of secured credit and debit cards'... This company has not produced one thing including any kind of card. After twenty one years they have not sold one credit card, debit card or health care card, they just keep adding so called improvements which after a flurry of interest gets buried like previous improvements..
So do your DD


02/10/21 7:34 AM

#14021 RE: StockHighAlert- #14019

Pretty exciting News from $SMME in December...

Now that one of the major payment cards networks has announced its move into Government approved stable crypto, SmartMetric is now able to offer a card platform that has embedded inside the card a biometric fingerprint scanner for validating the card user and automatically giving the validated user access to the encrypted crypto keys stored inside the new SmartMetric Crypto Payments Card.