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02/09/21 12:41 PM

#1533 RE: MegaDeath #1527

There has been alot of attention to these e-commerce companies like OLB-- companies that help businesses to increase their online business during the pandemic.

Might not sound like a sexy story, but the interest is definitely up. Have not seen this amount of trading volume....well,--ever. Over 340,000 shares today so far and stair stepping upwards. Backing and filling.

Giving investors who bought at $4 the chance to sell if they want to. And new investors coming in. Guess that is what we saw when it hit $8.50 earlier today.

I always get a bit nervous when a stock goes straight up, but sometimes that is what it takes to get people's attention. LOL

Guessing we should see some of what we saw in that Youtube interview coming soon. Or, at the minimum, the First quarter earnings.