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01/31/21 9:31 AM

#226784 RE: Rat Fink #226774

This message is marked hahahahaha


02/04/21 2:05 AM

#226845 RE: Rat Fink #226774

It depends who makes the first move. The house (again) or the senate. Right now there is a bill to reschedule MJ from I to III. This bill was introduced in the senate. If the senate passes MJ reform, expect the stock to at least double. If another bill is introduced by house, it will have gains (upwards of 70% instantly and eventually pass the 100% mark). When both house and senate pass MJ reform and it becomes a law it will double at whatever price it is at. MJ Reform in US should topple any previous highs so I would expect something north of $.20 and that's being conservative. Statement from the company and access to funds and grants will enable to company to gain mass profits.

NOTE: This is my opinion and should not be considered as FACT. Please do your own research and do not use these as financial advice.


03/03/21 3:13 PM

#227711 RE: Rat Fink #226774

$MJNA Democratic senators will push to pass pot reform bill this year